Illiteracy is not destructive; it is simply obstructive. It is ill-literacy that strangles the growth and development of men, nations and mankind

Samson Adah Paul Samson Adah Paul, Mental App Developer


Dreamatics is the study of the discovery and fulfillment of personal purpose; designed to educate man to correctly answer the questions of “Who Are You?” and “Why Are You?”

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Factory Mastery

Slavery was not completely abolished; it was plantation-farm slavery that was abolished. Africa marketplace is now filled with more slaves than the slaves that were engaged to run the plantation farm of colonial slave masters.

African marketplace is filled with entrepreneurs that are ‘house-maids’ to the vision and productivity of the players of foreign marketplace. The fact that Africa’ raw materials remains the only thing that foreigners buy from Africa is a proof that Africa marketplace is filled with captives of industries.

African entrepreneurs will become captains of industries when they develop creative mastery by which they will begin to produce world class finished products that foreigners will patronize. The primary resource that makes a man operate as a captain of industry isn’t money, it is rather vision.

Vision would make a man step up to produce vanilla garri, strawberry garri, and chocolate garri. It is indeed the lack of vision that has caged men to produce just a type of Garri. Vision isn’t about having a plan for something; vision is rather about having a unique insight for a venture. Without vision a man will indeed end up as a captive of industry.

Marketplace product-vision advantage is one of the primary course outcomes of ‘Commerce by Nature’a creative entrepreneurship course of Dream Advantage self-mastery school. Get empowered to cultivate factory-mastery enroll for ‘Commerce by Nature’. Signup for the course now.

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Creative Mastery

No matter how much cash you invest, you can’t thrive in a business that you lack creative mastery in. Business capital is 10% about money, 30% about other factors and 60% about creative mastery.

Without creative-mastery, you are only fit to be an entrepreneur; who depend on opportunities for economic prosperity; but with creative-mastery, you become an ‘inventreprenuer’ who possess the inventive intelligence to prosper even in adversity.

Creative Mastery gives you the advantage to engage in enterprise beyond the ‘airwaves’ of investment. The most profitable path of doing business is not investment; it is rather inventment.

Stock investment is a very profitable form of investment. Stock investment no doubt has made lots of people rich and happy. Despite how profitable stock investment is, I discovered it is not the most superior form of investment. Stock investment is not the main thing as we’ve been made to believe. 

There is a superior form of investment that supersedes stock investment, which I term as ‘Inventment’. Stock investment is a way of buying shares of existing companies as a means of providing capital for the operation of the company, and in return you are entitled to a percentage of the company’s profit.

Inventment is the art of developing economic-creativity-system for your potential or the natural potential of your land in order for the potential to metamorphosis into products or companies.

Indeed, buying company stock is a highly promising form of investment, but ‘Inventment’ is the most promising. Through stock investment you partake in the profit of existing corporations, but through ‘Inventment’ you invent new corporations from your human or natural potentials of your land.Inventment power which is a fruit of creative mastery is one of the main course outcomes of Creative License – a personal creativity course of Dream Advantage self-mastery school.

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Dream Intelligence

Intelligence is not only about academics performance. Intelligence is also about productivity performance. To excel in school you need ‘book-intelligence’; but to excel in life you need ‘dream-intelligence’.

Great men are mostly made by dream-intelligence than by book-intelligence. Majority of mankind lack dream intelligence. Hence, majority of men have wrong definition of dream. Most men erroneously mistake their needs to be their dreams.

A need is what you require but lack, while a dream is what your world lack but you have the potentials to offer.

Dream is a weapon with omnipotent usefulness: Without dream an entrepreneur will be so unarmed for industry that he will end up as a captive of industry, rather than Captain of Industry. Without dream a scholar will be so unarmed despite his schooling that he will end up in lifetime dependency on job vacancy.

A man’s purpose is the soil by which his education bears fruits. Thus, it is wasteful to educate a man that has not discovered his life’s purpose. It is personal purpose that qualifies a man for tertiary education, not pre-university exams or tests.

Natural salt stimulates proper digestion; by activating the salivary glands and quickening the body to produce digestive juices. Likewise, your dream which is your ‘social salt’ stimulates proper digestion of text book knowledge, releasing digestive enzymes of inspirations that break down text book information into industrial insights for the invention of products or solutions.

It is the lack of this factor that has turned schools to breeding grounds of academic idiots; rather than breeding ground for solution providers. It is a man’s life’s purpose that bestows upon him mental sanity, thereby stimulating the digestive glands of his mind to be alive and active. Dream Intelligence is one of the core course outcomes of Dreamaticsdream engineering and dream actualization course of Dream Advantage self-mastery school. Sign Up for Dreamatics course today!

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